Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fabulous Freebies: Free Ice Breaker Activities

I always enjoy doing ice breaker activities at the beginning of the school year, as do most teachers that I know. here are five free ice breaker activity sites to give you ideas before school starts!

If you missed last year's article about this, check it out here for more suggestions.

Family Reunion Helper has a big list of ice breakers that I think older students in particular would enjoy. They have a variety of ideas and they sounded like fun!

Love to Know has a list of party ice breaker but since most are focused on working together and talking with one another I think they would be perfect for our students.

 Molly K has a back to school quilt square you could have each student complete before assembling it into a larger work of art. I've found that students always take pride in their work more when it's put into a big collaborative work.

Teampedia, a site I've never heard of until today, has a huge list of more than 90 team building activities organized in alphabetical order. You can't see descriptions of the activity until you click on it so it makes it a little hard to find what you are looking for but since there are so many options it's still a great resource.

Laura Candler has a fun team building spinner printable. The link takes you directly to a PDF. This is an easy activity to do to get students talking with one another.

If you have a free ice breaker activity, share it below and we can use it in a freebie edition in the future.

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