Thursday, July 24, 2014

25 Ways to Publish Student Writing

Ever feel like you're pushing a boulder up hill trying to get your students to write?  Wondering how to motivate them?  One of the best things I've ever done to turn my students on to writing is to assure them that they'd never have to write for me-well, not just me, that is.  They would choose an audience, write for them and share it with them.

Writing is a form of communication, and it only becomes meaningful when students communicate with an audience that holds value for the them.  So, here are 25 ideas of ways to help your students  publish their share it with a real audience.

1. Publish it on a blog-Have your students create a blog.  They can post their work, share it and comment back and forth.  Google and yahoo have free, user friendly blogs.

2. Publish it on a allows students to create their own website and publish their work.  They can share access to a site and work together on a piece.

3. Put it into a class book-Have students write short stories, poems, raps, etc and create a booklet collection for all of the students to keep.

4. Put it in a newsletter-If your school sends out newsletters, ask if your students can write a column.  I had one of my classes write weekly essays.  I chose the best one to be published in the weekly school bulletin.  Students were excited to revise their work when it was being published and shared school wide.

5. Create a contest-Sponsor a writing contest.  Select community members and/or staff to judge the essays and award the winner publicly.

6. Present it in a talent show-Have students share their writing in school assemblies and talent shows.

7. Poetry slams-For more information, check out: Poetry Slam Guidelines.

8. Bulletin board-Post student work on bulletin boards...the more public, the better.

9. Place student writing in doctor/dentist offices-Create booklets with students' writing and ask local dentists and doctors if you can leave them in their waiting rooms.

10. Pen pals-Find a pen pal for your students to engage in letter writing with a real recipient.

11. Reviews-Make part of the students' grade sharing what they wrote with people outside the school and collecting reviews/feedback forms.

12. Dedications-Have students create dedication pages and encourage them to share their essays with those the papers are dedicated to.

13. Portfolios-Have students keep portfolios with their writing.  Share these portfolios with families during parent teacher conferences.

14. Turn their essays into speeches-Have them present their writing to the class.

15. Submit their work to magazines-Have students submit their writing to magazines that publish entries.

16. Books-Oriental Trading Company sells blank books students can decorate and fill in.

17. Young Authors Society-Start a group where students can share and publish their writing.

18. Nationwide Writing Contests

19. Make it a gift-Have students turn essays into gifts.  For example, in May they can write letters to important women in their lives and give them to those women for Mother's Day.

20. Dramatic readings to younger grades-Have students write and share their writing with younger grades.  They can turn them into books and leave them behind for the younger children's classroom library.

21. Message in a balloon-Put a message in a helium balloon and let it go.  Wait with your students to see what sort of responses they might receive.

22. Have them write to someone famous such as: The President.

23. Media boards-Does your school have televisions in the entryway of the school where news is projected for visitors to see?  See if you can include quotes from your students' writing as part of the powerpoint presentation that is scrolled through on a continuous loop.

24. Write a play/Create a video-Have students get together in small groups and write a play to be performed in front of the class.  The best play can be performed in front of the school.

25. Write a song-Have students take their favorite song and make up new lyrics.  They can perform them in front of the class and record them, if possible.


  1. Thank you for this great list! We homeschool, but I am going to try a few of these ideas even though we do not have a group.
