Monday, August 24, 2015

Deals and Steals: Best Back to School Deals 8/23 - 8/29

Here is a compilation of the best back to school deals and steals for 8/23/15 - 8/29/15!

Use your Walgreens rewards card to get the deals listed below!

Deals under $1
7/$1 -  Wexford highlighter, 12 inch wooden ruler, or two pocket folder *Must use in ad coupon

$0.49 -  Wexford one subject notebook or pencil 8 pk. *Must use in ad coupon
$0.49 -  Wexford erasers or  5 pk. dividers *Must use in ad coupon
$0.49 - Paper Mate grip mechanical pencils 5 pk.
$0.79 -  Wexford carry all case or filler paper *Must use in ad coupon

$0.99 - Wexford one inch binder
$0.99 -Wexford sheet protectors 50 pk.

Deals $1 and more

$1.99 - Wexford mechanical pencil 30 pk.


Deals Under $1

$0.15 - Staples two pocket folder
$0.17 -Staples one subject notebook
$0.25 - Staples one hole hand pencil sharpener
$0.35 - Staples twelve inch ruler
$0.48 - Staples index cards
$0.50 - Staples composition book
$0..50 -Staples school glue or glue stick
$0.50 -Crayola crayon 24 pk.
$0.68 -Staples #2 pencil 12 pk.
$0.75 -Staples filler paper
$0.75 - Crayola washable ultraclean markers 8 pk.
$0.75 - Paper Mate mechanical pencil 5 pk.
$0.97 - Crayola colored pencil 12 pk. or classic marker 10 pk.

 Deals $1 and more

$1 -5 inch kids scissors
$1 - Bic mechanical pencil 5 pk.
$1 - Bic ballpoint pen 10 pk.
$2 -Staples 3 subject notebook
$2 - Reinforced filler paper
$3 - Elmer's clear glue sticks 3 pk.
$3 - Expo dry erase marker 4 pk.

Office Max/Office Depot

Deals Under $1

$0.01 - Office Depot paper folders *$5 minimum purchase required
$0.01 - Office Depot eraser caps $5 minimum purchase required
$0.01 - Office Depot ream of copy paper *$5 minimum purchase and after rebate price
$0.50 - Scholastic glue sticks 4 pk.
$0.50 - Clear pencil case

Deals $1 and More

$1 - Office Depot binder clips 36 pk.
$1 - Office Depot poly composition book
$1 - Expo marker 4 pk.
$1 - Sharpie marker fine point 5 pk.
$1 - Office Depot graph filler paper
$1 - Office Depot graph wireless notebook
$1 - Office Depot laminated portfolio
$3 - Crayola color erasable colored pencils 12 pk.
$3 - Bic mechanical pencils 24 pk.
$3 - Ticonderoga wooden pencil 24 pk.
$5 - Foray magnetic calendar board

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