Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday Website: Artsonia

This week I'm highlighting Artsonia. I've used this site multiple times for various schools I've taught at for all grade levels with success. Artsonia is an online art museum that is completely free to use. You register and assign each student a name. At most schools I've just used their first name but I've also used a private anonymous name for extra privacy as well. Each student is assigned to one of your classes.

After this initial set up you are ready to start uploading artwork! You upload a digital image of each work of art. Since I've joined they have improved their upload process so it's a lot easier than it used to be since you can upload a large amount at a time. If you want you can also add in extra information about the work like a title. You can also group it by assignment as well.

My students enjoyed the viewer count on each work since they loved seeing how many people view their work. Viewers can comment but all comments must be approved by a parent first if one chooses to register as well.

You can buy all sorts of items with your child's artwork on it at the site which my students also loved and some students at each school took advantage of that. I loved that you got 15% of the proceeds which helped me buy more supplies!

Artsonia has always been a success at every school I've taught at so I highly recommend it!

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