Friday, December 12, 2014

Word of Affirmation for Students

Brian Tracy, a motivational speaker and author, says, "Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy."  In other words, what we think will happen too often directs our path and becomes a reality, even if it needn't be.  Tied to the development of beliefs is the act of listening.  What we hear, we tend to believe, particularly if it is coming from someone we consider to be a reliable source.  If someone who knows and is supposed to care about us tells us we are going to go to college, we start to believe it.  If that same person says that we are never going to be anything in life, the same is true.  We start to believe that too.

As teachers who spend a significant amount of time with our students throughout the school year, we have the opportunity to speak life into them.  So, I've written an ABC's of compliments.  I'm sure you can think of your own, but this is a good place to start...

Amiable, amazing, adorable, athletic, artistic, ambitious
Beautiful, bubbly, blossoming
Cool, charming, confident, collegiate, compassionate, charismatic, caring
Diligent, dependable, deep
Excellent, enchanting, energetic, empathetic
Fabulous, fun, funny, fashionable, friendly, faithful, focused
Generous, giving, good, great, gentle
Honest, honorable, hard working
Intelligent, independent
Jolly, jazzy
Keen, kind
Lovable, loyal, likable
Magnificent, marvelous, merry
Neat, nice
Perfect, practical, profound, precious, priceless
Resilient, receptive, respectful
Studious, smart, super
Terrific, talented
Xtra special

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